Friday 22 January 2016

100WC Week #3

Closing my umbrella entering the store, I saw a outbreak of pink and red. There was literally a mountain of chocolates inside cheesy heart shaped boxes. I'm going to buy the most loving gift for a person I adore the most. I Almost floated towards the pink and red infested isle, it was so hard to pick, but I grabbed flowers, chocolate, and a warm-hearted card. Buying my items, I skip towards my car and drive home. Placing the flowers in a vase, opening the chocolates, it was nice to spend quality time with my favourite person ever... Me!


  1. I like your story I just wasn't sure about the word isle i'm not sure if you mean aisle.

  2. Your story is really good, especially the plot twist at the end. I think you should either made your lead "Closing my umbrella," or" Entering the store. Other than that I don't see any problems with your story.

  3. I really liked your story, and how you used powerful words. I am speechless. GREAT JOB ON YOUR STORY!
